European Women’s International Leadership Award 2023


2023 European Women’s International Leadership Award to eight women from around the globe

(Texte en français plus bas)

Four years ago, we had the idea to create an award for extraordinary women: the European Women’s International Leadership Award.

We are focusing on women who at a certain moment of their life, have decided to follow their dream, to break with traditional obligations around them, to challenge male- dominated areas, to act in a respectful way in order to give an example to all those women, who do not (yet) dare to raise their voice and to develop their potential.

The 2023 will be hosted again by the Brussels EU Representation of the German State of Hesse (Rue Montoyer 21, B-1000 Brussels):

Monday, 6 March 2023
18.00 Welcome drink
18.30 Ceremony
20.30 Networking reception

The following eight women have been selected:

Nadia Atia (Morocco)
Bounthone Chanthalavong-Wiese (Laos, Germany)
Tanasha Donna (Kenia, Italy, Belgium)
Nuray Erden (Turkey)
Runa Khan (Bangladesh)
Martine Moïse (Haiti)
Marie-Consolée Mukangendo (Rwanda, Spain)
Inna Pletukhina (Russia, USA)

The awards will be handed over and the laureates will be honoured during an award winning ceremony. The first ceremony took place in March 2019 in the European Parliament in Brussels. Since then – due to the COVID-19 restrictions – the ceremonies were hosted by the Brussels EU Representation of the German “Land” of Hesse. You will find here the link to last year’s ceremony:

This year, Friedrich von Heusinger (Director of the Hesse Representation) will give a welcome speech, the awards will be handed over by the MEP Miriam Lexmann.


2023 European Women’s International Leadership Award à huit femmes

Il y a quatre ans, nous avons eu l’idée de créer un prix pour des femmes extraordinaires à l’occasion de la journée internationale de la femme, le “European Women’s International Leadership Award“. Nous nous concentrons sur les femmes qui à un certain moment de leur vie, ont décidé de suivre leur rêve, de rompre avec les obligations traditionnelles autour d’elles, de défier les zones dominées par les hommes, d’agir de manière respectueuse afin de donner l’exemple à tous. Ces femmes qui osent pas faire entendre leur voix et développer leur potentiel.

L’édition 2023 sera à nouveau organisée à ” the Brussels EU Representation of the German State of Hesse ” (Rue Montoyer 21, B-1000 Bruxelles):

Lundi  6 Mars 2023
18.00 Apéritif de bienvenue
18.30 Cérémonie
20.30 Networking reception

Cette année, nous avons sélectionné les huit femmes lauréates :

Nadia Atia (Morocco)
Bounthone Chanthalavong-Wiese (Laos, Germany)
Tanasha Donna (Kenia, Italy, Belgium)
Nuray Erden (Turkey)
Runa Khan (Bangladesh)
Martine Moïse (Haiti)
Marie-Consolée Mukangendo (Rwanda, Spain)
Inna Pletukhina (Russia, USA)

Les lauréates seront honorées lors d’une cérémonie de remise de prix.

La première cérémonie a eu lieu en mars 2019 au Parlement européen à Bruxelles. Depuis lors – en raison des restrictions liées au COVID-19 – les
cérémonies étaient organisées à la “Representation of the State of Hesse to the EU“ à Bruxelles. Ci-dessous le lien vers le déroulement de la cérémonie de l’année dernière : .

Cette année, Friedrich von Heusinger (directeur de la représentation de Hesse) prononcera un discours de bienvenue, les prix seront remis par la députée européenne Miriam Lexmann.


Nadia Atia (Belgium, Morocco)

Nadia Atia was born in Berkane, this city in Northeastern Morocco, considered the capital of the citrus fruit industry. Therefore a large statue of a clementine is located in the city centre… ( read more )

Bounthone Chanthalavong-Wiese (Laos, Germany)

Born in Meuangpek in the north-eastern Laotian Province Xiengkhouang.during the civil war between the Royal Laotian government and the Pathet Lao guerrilla movement Bounthone Chanthalavong-Wiese… ( read more )

Tanasha Donna (Kenya, Italy, Belgium)

Born in England, Tanasha Donna grew up in Kenya and spent half of her life in Belgium, she is now based in Nairobi. This life offered her the possibility to communicate fluently in five languages… ( read more )

Nuray Erden (Turkey)

Born in Diyarbakır in South-East Turkey, Nuray Erden grew up at the Aegean Coast in Izmir. She studied law at İstanbul University and worked as a lawyer for ten years but then changed the trajectory of her activities … ( read more )

Runa Khan (Bangladesh) 

Runa Khan was born in 1958, a descendant from old aristocratic families from both her parents side. She spent her early childhood in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The stark difference between her life and … ( read more )

Martine Moïse (Haiti)

Martine Moïse was born in Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. She studied foreign languages at the Quisqueya University and married her classmate Jovenel Moïse. Together they left the capital… ( read more )

Marie-Consolée Mukangendo (Rwanda, Spain)

Born in Rwanda, Kigali, she understood quite early that multilateral structures are key for a better world. After having studied political science and international relations at universities in … ( read more )

Inna Pletukhina (Russia, United States)

Born in Novocherkassk, a city in the region of Rostov-on-Don in the USSR, Inna Pletukhina wanted to become a lawyer, physicist/mathematician while diligently practicing her scales on the piano….( read more )